Mobile man robbed a Subway at gunpoint. He’s getting life without parole.

Mobile man robbed a Subway at gunpoint. He’s getting life without parole.

Miguel Colunga has been convicted of robbing a Subway at gunpoint in 2018. Now he’s going to prison for the rest of his life.

The Mobile District Attorney’s Office announced Thursday the guilty verdict handed down by a Mobile County jury. Colunga was also found guilty of possession of a controlled substance.

In 2018, Colunga entered the Subway restaurant on Cottage Hill Road, brandishing a firearm and ordering an employee to empty the cash register. Colunga stole about $2,000 in cash and then fled the scene on foot, according to court records.

Just a few hours later, Mobile police tracked down Colunga, aided by the use of neighborhood surveillance video. Officers obtained permission to search a home where they found Colunga hiding behind a refrigerator, with the drugs on his person.

But this wasn’t Colunga’s first run-in with the law.

He has jail and court records dating back to the early 1990s. He’s served time for domestic violence, various drug charges, assault, multiple robbery charges and burglary, among a lengthy list of arrests and convictions.

His sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 9, but under Alabama law the only possible sentence Colunga can receive is life in prison without the possibility of parole, the DA’s office said.

Alabama’s Habitual Felony Offender Act, originally adopted in 1977, mandates life in prison without parole for anyone convicted of a Class A felony after having been previously convicted of three felonies if one of those is a Class A felony.

In Alabama, Class A felonies include murder, rape, robbery, burglary, drug trafficking and manufacturing of a controlled substance. Colunga’s prior convictions for robbery and burglary qualify him for a life sentence under the habitual offender law.